great outdoors

great outdoors
enjoying a sunset near the International Airport

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Radioactive Actualization

With all the press here in Asia about the damaged Fukushima reactors it's hard to know whether to worry about the threat of contamination or not. Reports range from no effect whatsoever to needing to wear masks and cover skin. The invisible threat is a very aggravating kind of "enemy." I did read here
about the hibakushas, or people who are perceived to be "irradiated" and then treated as outcasts in Japan. Seems odd to try to label and mistreat others when the enemy they're facing is so invisible and in light of the fact that the nation has faced this situation before.

Read a post by a friend about the Christian's need to be set apart as an example to others today. While I do generally agree on that, I think what we often miss in Christian-ese is that without the person first accepting themselves (what we used to call actualization) all their efforts to BE examples to anyone will tank. So, here's to having the grace to be confident and yet gentle on ourselves with our inevitable quirky parts.

1 comment:

William Hammond said...

Have they been turned into modern lepers?